
Business Improvement Consulting Service “BPRescue”

Practical consulting service to solve business efficiency issues.

Japanese Trademark Registration No.: 6300054

“BPRescue” Overview

BPRescue was born out of our many years of experience in the outsourcing business. It is a practical consulting service that solves business efficiency issues faced by many companies.

Cost Reduction

Productivity Improvement

Variability in Skills

Also effective in addressing side effects that have occurred as a result of adopting digital transformation

  • We have implemented a system without having a mechanism to utilize it.
  • Tasks to be done by humans and tasks to be done by the system are not organized on a phase-by-phase basis.
  • Introducing a system into the business operation without sufficient organization has resulted in “mismatching of skills and tasks” and “redundant tasks”, increasing workloads (e.g., transcription or duplication of work).

How “BPRescue” Improves Business

Step 1.
Confirmation of QCDF (Quality, Cost, Delivery, Flexibility)
Our consulting staff will meet with you, our client, to hear your target QCDF values and issues. The purposes and goals of business improvement will be clarified.
Step 2.
Visualization with BPMN
Visualize the issues clarified in Step 1 with BPMN.
Causes of issues are identified.
Preparation of materials on the customer’s side is not required. Our staff will prepare the BPMN diagram based on interviews, so you can save extra working hours.
Step 3.
Analysis and Suggestions for Improvement
We analyze the causes of your issues and propose the most appropriate measures for improvement.
Step 4.
Implementation and Verification
Our work does not end with merely suggesting improvement plans to the client.
For example,
as part of our outsourcing business, we can undertake the creation of manuals (click here for more on our outsourcing business ), or you can introduce our BPUSS Q&A system to promote knowledge sharing and to reduce escalations.

*What is “BPMN” ?

BPMN (Business Process Modeling and Notation) is an activity of visualizing a workflow and is utilized to analyze business operations from different perspectives.

Grasp the Business Process
Calculate Necessary Time and Costs for Each Person and Each Process
Identify the QCDF Issues and the Processes Causing the Issues

We will propose the most appropriate scope and granularity of tasks to be illustrated on the diagram according to your business improvement objectives and goals.
