
Consulting System “BPL+

Generates workflow data and automatically suggests causes of issues and improvement measures.

Japanese Patent No.: 7248998;
Japanese Trademark Registration No.: 6803118

Issue Detection

Detects issues and their causes from your workflow.

Suggestions of Improvement Measures

Suggests measures to address the causes of issues based on your budget and target timeframe.

Generation of New Workflow

Generates a new workflow that incorporates the measures.

Step 1.
Cluster Type Analysis
Input serialized workflow data, and BPL+ will perform QCDF analysis.
Step 2.
Issue Plotting
BPL+ examines the workflow data and identifies the issues.
Step 3.
Generating Pareto Diagrams of Issues
A Pareto Diagram enables you to grasp which SEQ has hidden issues.
Step 4.
Cause Analysis
BPL+ identifies the causes of issues and suggests recommended measures to resolve those issues.
The expected effects of each measure may also be analyzed.

Cluster Type Analysis

Cluster Type Analysis

Enter workflow data in which each operation is serialized. BPL+ will perform QCDF analysis of the workflow and generate graphs showing the issue occurrence rates.

Issue Plotting

Problems Plot

Issues in the workflow are plotted, and the distribution of issues across operations are represented in the plot.

“BPL+” System Overview

“BPL+” Features

Within Your Budget

You can set a “budget” as a condition for measures. BPL+ suggests the best feasible measures within that budget.

Issues and Causes

Data entered into BPL+ is accumulated as a statistical database in the cloud. Therefore, the more BPL+ is utilized, the better the measures it will be able to suggest.

BPL+ Developer Story

What are the features of BPL+?

BPL+ uses workflow data as coordinated statistical data to derive an array of data and information.

How did you come up with BPL+?

On the way home from a medical checkup, an idea came to my mind: Like an x-ray examination, it may be possible to take preventive measures to resolve problems hidden in the workflow…

What is the most memorable moment?

I kept pasting a bunch of workflow diagrams on the wall of my house, and I realized that there might be patterns such as certain workflows tending to have certain issues.

* The name of the system was changed to “BPL+” at the time of launch.

Identify Issues and Causes

How did you come up with BPL+?

BPL+ analyzes the workflow using a variety of information, including the structure of the workflow and the number of work-hours required for each operation, to identify:
・Issues existing in the workflow
・Causes of those issues

Suggest Improvement Measures

BPL+ suggests the best measures to resolve the issues under applicable conditions.

BPL+ suggests measures taking into consideration the conditions set by the client (e.g., cost or timing of implementing measures) in addition to the causes of the issues. Therefore, the measures it suggests are feasible and practicable as opposed to mere idealistic theories.

Generate a New Workflow

New workflow incorporating the suggested measures

BPL+ generates a new workflow incorporating the suggested measures.
The new workflow can also be used for various follow-ups, such as verifying the effects of measures taken or aligning the understanding of personnel with respect to measures being taken.
